Arynov EU8Highly Admired, Hardly Visible? Youth Perceptions of the EU in Kazakhstan
Dall’Agnola and Thibault EU3The World Values Survey Findings Put to the Test of Qualitative Inquiry: Information/Communication Technologies and Gender Roles in Kazakhstan
Dukeyev EU6The Jeotqsan 1986 in the Politics of Memory of Kazakhstan
Eschment EU6We are All Kazakhstancy? New Results on the Success of a Controversial Concept
Hierman EU2Assessing the Link between the Death of Dictators and Economic Reforms in Eurasia
Horowitz EU2The Rise, Repression, and Resistance of Soviet “Academic Entrepreneurs”: The Development of Academic Turkology in the USSR, 1917-1953
Kayser and Abou Harb EU2Managing a Pandemic: Authoritarian Responses to COVID-19
Niiazova EU9Empire, Nationality, and Modernity in Soviet Kyrgyzstan: Nexus of Kyrgyz-Jewish Intellectuals and Formation of Kyrgyz Cultural Identity 1930-197
Novikov EU9Patriotic Fashion and Performance in Post-Communist Eurasia
Nozimova EU3Imagined Women: Bearing, Rearing and Wearing the Tajik Nation
O’Shea EU9Kok-boru (Kyrgyzstan’s National Sport): Beyond Invention of Tradition
Rahman EU4The Role of Ethnic Dominance in Assertive Assimilation of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang
Tatarov EU8Ethnic Quotas and Power Distribution in Limited-Access Orders of the North-West Caucasus: 1920-2020
Ternov and Mikhalov EU6The Empire’s Remains: Ethnopolitical Identification of Russian-Speaking Population in North-East Kazakhstan (Middle Ages)
Tsakhirmaa EU4Comparative Ethnic Territorially-Based Autonomy in Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Ningxia of China: An Analytical Framework
Utetileuova R11Imagined and “Real” Homeland: Ethnic Kazakhs Return Migration