Bader M2Nationalism, Migration, and Gender: Discussing Femonationalism
Blanco Sio-Lopez M2A Boundary-Breaking European Utopia? The EU’s “Free Movement of Persons” as a History of Belonging and Displacement
Brand M9The American and British Responses to the Hungarian Refugees from 1956
Canefe M7Populist Nationalism and Forced Migration: Dispossession and Dismemberment of Unorthodox Minorities in the Middle East
Carcélès M9The Turkish, Kurdish and Armenian Nationalist Mobilization in France: Between Conflicts and Integration in the Host Country
Crooke M7The Temporal Tensions of Asylum Lawyering
Ganohariti M3Citizenship and Legal Identity in De Facto States
Kesylytė-Alliks M5The Continuation or the Invention of Tradition: Cultivating Religious and National Identities Among Lithuanian Immigrants in Norway
Kovacs M9Identity Strategies of the UK-Based New Hungarian Diaspora
Kozlova M8The Perpetual Minority: A Case Study of Volga German Migrants in Germany
Lataianu M4The Implications of the Weakening or Elimination of the Flores Agreement for Immigrant Children in the US
Lemekh M4The Guatemalan Ethnic Islet in a Korean Ethnoburb
Moreau Shmatenko M8The Role of Temporality in Analysing the Russian-speaking Diaspora in Switzerland
Pointner M7In Me(mória)m–About the largest Refugee Camp in Europe
Rizzo Lara M5De la Clandestinidad a la Luz: Resilience Mechanisms Developed by Central American Migrants
Rock M8Intergroup Memory of Russian-speaking Jews, Russian Germans and Ethnic Russians in Berlin
Shaharyar M10Critical Dialectic Geography: Overcoming the Antinomies between Physical and Social Spaces
Ulgen M5Success and Limits of Interculturalism: Sephardic Belonging and Identity in Québec
Vedenyapina M8“Teaching them different Jewishness”: Two Voices of Family Memory among Russian-Speaking Jewish Emigrants in France