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Kevin Deegan-Krause

Kevin Deegan-Krause is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Wayne State University. He received a B.A. in Economics from Georgetown University in 1990 and a Ph.D. in Government and International Studies from the University of Notre Dame in 2000. His research in comparative politics focuses on political parties and democracy in Europe with emphasis on Europe’s newer democracies and its newer parties.  His publications include two books–Elected Affinities: Democracy and Party Competition in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (Stanford University Press 2006) and The New Party Challenge: Cycles of Party Birth and Death in Central Europe and Beyond with Tim Haughton (Oxford University Press, 2020) along with numerous articles and book chapters and two co-edited volumes including The Structure of Political Competition in Western Europe, co-edited with Zsolt Enyedi (Routledge, 2010). From 2011 to 2016 he served co-editor of the European Journal of Political Research’s Political Data Yearbook with responsibility for overseeing the digitization of the yearbook and its development as an interactive data-driven website. His ongoing research program–the central topic of The New Party Challenge–focuses on the underlying dynamics that account for the emergence of new political parties and new patterns of political competition.