Stefano Bianchini
Professor of East European Politics and History, University of Bologna, Italy
[email protected]
Stefano Bianchini is Professor of East European Politics and History at the University of Bologna and Rector’s delegate for relations with Eastern Europe. Former director of the two-years Interdisciplinary Master of Arts in East European Studies (MIREES), a joint diploma of the Universities of Bologna, St. Petersburg, Vytautas Magnus at Kaunas, and Corvinus of Budapest. He is visiting professor of the State University of St. Petersburg and holds a H.D. in Humanities of the Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas. From 2001 to 2018 he was also the co-director of the European Regional Master in Democracy and Human Rights for SEE (ERMA) awarding a double diploma of the Universities of Sarajevo and Bologna since 2001. He also served as a Vice-President of the ASN and is currently member of its Advisory Board.
Expert on Balkan studies, nationalism and state partitions, Stefano Bianchini published and co-edited 36 books and more than 150 articles in Italian, French, English and other languages. He is the author, among others, of Liquid Nationalism and State Partitions in Europe, Edward Elgar, London-New York, 2017; Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity 1800-2000, Routledge, Abingdon-New York, 2015; Partitions. Reshaping States and Minds, written with Sanjay Chaturvedi, Rada Ivekovic and Ranabir Samaddar (Frank Cass, London, 2005 and 2015); Sarajevo, Le Radici dell’odio. Identità e Destino dei Popoli Balcanici (Edizioni Associate, Rome, 2003); La Question Yougoslave (Castermann, Paris, 1996) and co-editor of Regional Cooperation, Peace Enforcement and the Role of the Treaties in the Balkans, together with Joseph Marko, Craig Nation and Milica Uvalic (Longo, Ravenna, 2007).