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Interview with Dominika Koter

May 9, 2023

ASN interviews Dr. Koter about a role of ethnicity in shaping African politics and the robustness of national identity in African countries, an area of research often overshadowed by ethnic identity.

Interview with David Stroup

April 3, 2023

Can we (and should we) compare China to other countries when analyzing nationalism? David Stroup discusses his latest article “Chinese Nationalism: Insights and Opportunities for Comparative Studies” (Nationalities Papers, vol.51 #1)

Interview with Vladimir Đorđević, Mikhail Suslov, Marek Čejka, Ondřej Mocek and Martin Hrabálek

February 26, 2023

Interview with Vladimir Đorđević, Mikhail Suslov, Marek Čejka, Ondřej Mocek and Martin Hrabálek about their latest article in Nationalities Papers.

CfP: Special Issue on “Nationalism and Racial Hierarchies”

July 23, 2020

Nationalities Papers invites manuscripts for a special issue addressing the intersection of nationalism and racial hierarchies. Contributions are encouraged, but not required, to consider a number of questions on Racism and Nationalism.

Guest Editor: Bridget L. Coggins, UC, Santa Barbara

Nationalities Papers is soliciting proposals for a special issue. 

The rise of populism, nationalist tropes, imperialism, and demands for racial justice are among the most poignant and important political issues of 2020. All over the world, everyday politics, protest, and extraordinary action are meeting and clashing with entrenched norms and authority. Central to those politics are the theoretical and realized intersections between nationalism, race and ethnicity, and the power hierarchies that determine their place in society.

Nationalities Papers invites manuscripts for a special issue addressing the intersection of nationalism and racial hierarchies. Contributions are encouraged, but not required, to consider the following questions: 

  • How have the formal hierarchies of empire been replaced or transformed with respect to nation or race?
  • Where do race and nation intersect and how have they affected systemic power hierarchies?
  • What political processes bring salience to these boundaries?
  • What factors expose racial and national exclusivist power hierarchies or conceal them?
  • Under what conditions do countries with racial or national exclusivist power structures shift toward (or further away from) inclusive governance?
  • What are the roles of institutions, publics, and political leaders in either maintaining or dismantling national or racial power hierarchies?

Although Nationalities Papers has a regional focus in Europe and the former Soviet Union, this Special Issue will be broadly comparative, examining questions of nationalism and hierarchy without any particular preference for geography. 

We also, as ever, seek submissions that include a diverse grouping of authors in terms of gender, race, location, and career stage and track. 

Submission Guidelines:

Deadline: January 4, 2021

All articles should be submitted via Manuscript ( for blind peer review. When you submit your work make sure that you indicate that your manuscript should be considered for the Special Issue on ‘Nationalism and Racial Hierarchies.’

Read our Submission Guidelines ( for details. Each manuscript should also include a cover letter describing its contribution to relevant scholarly debates and a connection to the theme; a title and abstract (300 words) for the article; and a brief biography for each author (150 words each).

Review Process

  • Once an article is green-lit, the Guest Editor will communicate with the authors. 
  • The Guest Editor is responsible for ensuring the quality and collective coherence of the manuscripts in the special issue.
  • The Guest Editor will prepare a short introduction to the special issue of approximately 5,000 words, which will be reviewed by members of the journal’s editorial team. This introduction should cite the articles within the issue where applicable.


  • We expect that the Special Issue will appear in Volume 49, Issue 6. If we pursue your manuscript, please be prepared for expedited revisions and a tight publication schedule.
  • We will proactively market the Special Issue online, via Twitter and Facebook (and in print) and encourage our authors to do the same. Please tag the journal when you self-publicize and let us know if and when related work appears in other venues.

Please direct questions regarding the Special Issue to Bridget Coggins at [email protected].