Category: The Balkans
Johanna Paul (Bielefeld U, Germany)Transnational Memory Activism Against Genocide Denial: Protesting the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature to Peter Handke
Category: Central Europe
Anna Adorjáni (U of Vienna, Austria)
Are Jews a Nation? The Case of the Hungarian Jews in the Last Weeks of 1918
Bohdana Kurylo (UCL, UK)
When the State Doesn’t Protect Me, My Sisters Will: Feminist Contestation of the Right-Wing Populist Politics of Security in Poland
Category: Migration and Nationalism
Lior Yohanani (Rutgers U, US)
Fighting to Belong: Why Do JewsFrom Abroad Volunteer to the Israeli Military
Category: Russia
Liliia Sablina (CEU, Hungary)
Mobilizing “Everyday”: The Role of Online Ethnic Networksin Minority Radicalization: The Case Study of the Russian-Speaking Internet Users in Germany
Category: The Caucasus
Laura Luciani (Ghent U, Belgium)
How to Make Yourself In/Visible in a “Shrinking Space”:Human Rights Activists and the EU in Azerbaijan
Category: Turkey, Greece, and Eurasia
Semih Gokatalay (UC San Diego, US)
Orthodox Festivals, Ottoman Greeks, and the State in the Late Ottoman Empire
Category: Ukraine
Iryna Tarku (U of Giessen, Germany)
Writing as a Resilience Strategy:Combat and Non-Combat Prose About Donbas War