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Religion and Nationalism

Does religion motivate and intensify nationalism, or does it moderate and even suppress nationalism? Şener Aktürk’s article “Nationalism and Religion in Comparative Perspective: A New Typology of National-Religious Configurations” develops a taxonomy of relations between nationalism and religion: nationalism as a modern religion; the idea of a Chosen People; religious exclusion; religious influences on national policies; religious observance and national identification; and religiously-based civilizations. Aktürk argues that European Christian experience is not generalizable to the rest of the world due to the institutional autonomy and supranational organization of the Catholic Church. Also, European nationalisms were premised on religious sectarian homogeneity. The crises of Marxism and liberalism provide the context for the present resurgence of religion and nationalism.


Moderator: Sherrill Stroschein (University College London, UK)

References cited during the webinar:

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Gorski, Philip. American Covenant – A History of Civil Religion from the Puritans to the PR. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2017. 

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Terpstra, Nicholas. Religious Refugees in the Early Modern World: An Alternative History of the Reformation. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 

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Zubrzycki, Geneviève. The Crosses of Auschwitz: Nationalism and Religion in Post-Communist Poland. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 2008.