This panel, organized and moderated by Harris Mylonas, explores the intersection of nationalism and immigrant integration policies, featuring two leading experts in the field: Stephanie Zonszein Strauss and Sara Wallace Goodman. Together, these scholars will explore the complexities of how governments navigate identity, belonging, and policymaking in an era marked by increasing migration and shifting political landscapes. How do nationalist narratives influence the development and implementation of immigrant integration policies? What strategies can governments adopt to facilitate immigrant integration? How do immigrant communities experience and respond to these policies? Join us on Thursday, 1/23 at 1pm ET.
Stephanie Zonszein (U of California, Berkeley, US)
Sara Wallace Goodman (U of California, Irvine, US)
Organized and moderated Harris Mylonas (George Washington U, US)
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Zonszein, S. (2024). Turn on, tune in, turn out: Ethnic radio and immigrants’ political engagement. American Journal of Political Science.